The Hapless Crimson Feather
Love in the eye of the beholder..
A tender string of chords embroiled,
In the harsh realm of dogma..
For the sole shining beauty embibed in her eyes..
With hues unfolding embers of crimson..
The feather in the hands of the beholder,
Caressed with the placid breeze..
Of love, of glee, of victory, of ecstacy..
An unclipped parachute soaring against the world..
Time immemorial..Crimson unscrupulous?
Breathes in an abyss rife with pain fatal..!!
The sanguine feather doused in the locked flames..
Like a parachute afloat treading with desire..
Nettled by every law against gravity..
Fell once for the pristine ocean of love..
Fell again..hapless,battered, the feather drenched in tears...
Striding against odds caste in the sky.
Leafing against adages emblazoned in the pages..
Yearning for a shrine that heavens uphold,
The apprehensive, skeptical ruddy feather of reverence..!!
Resurgence of the phoenix juvenile..beget to jamboree..
In a meadow of unforgiven and chastised gay,
Indignation battled..elbowed with expletives..
Despair blooming in the spring of despondency,
In vain..marred the weak feather hustles..roars..loses and weeps...
Wiped in the mayhem,the path of good and wrong..
In the mirage of translucent faith,there it lies still with ripped bristles..!!
The world which once marked it's existence..
She who was once cradled in arms of care..
With harmony,with bliss,with ambitions,without a hiss..
Is now ostracised and chided by her roots..
For love..a felony?!
Or the supernatural force destined to win..
Is it all right?.!!
The fragile, fervid feather, emblematic of courage yet strives..
The world at a hideous loss of a precious dimple punctuated smile,
Emancipation of the feather..and the world gives up...
Hail The Power of Love and Destiny;
Allay the broken rhythm of the journey..
Amidst the hollow, strangled dreams and glitches..
Of the gloating goon of pride and the nimbus of love,
Hope I that they converge at the horizon with the upsurge of mirth..
The Hapless Crimson Feather and the dogmatic realm...!!