Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The Real And The Surreal

A mere surreal deceit in disguise,
Wavering to a wisp of hope..
An insight, a magnanimous frame of dilute intimidation..
Chapped and deepened by stark smolders of the real,
Smiles stifled, ecstasy dwarfed..
By the phantoms of regret and rue,
Despondency dons, obscuring truth with a marvelous finesse..
Uncanny hollers drowning the surreal in the real..
The farcical promises nurturing bogus dreams intense..
At the deception point the real and surreal all conjure..
A vortex of inundated hysteria looms afoot..
Chiding the deep rooted faith inimical..
The real flanked by expletives of reprimand,
The surreal weeps and weeps, ferreting out for the real..
Vying for righteousness real and surreal,
They, the inextricable dovetails walk hand in hand..
Departure excruciating.. transfixed flail they..
Punctuated by the salinity ingrained in eyes..
A nascent lesson..impermanence emblazoned in my life..
Rhetorical me,
Standing on the precipice of the panoramic vantage point..
The real alludes,
Everything I touch with tenderness,
Alas! the surreal,
Pricks like a bramble...

Friday, 6 July 2012


Summer rage peters out into dandelions of spring..
Unfathomable sky wavers into puffier dreams intense,
The sun feigns to peep in and blush away..
Musical chirrups and solemn melancholy lingers..
Reeks of musty soil layered.. 
Erstwhile gloomy,now the earth dons,
Flowerbeds of delighted hues afoot..
Iridescent sunset orange faded by dark bloom hovering..
Parched beds inundated with rivers blue,
Beauty, dances how gracefully She !!! 

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Roommate agreement paper

Dear XYZ ,
One may deem phlegmatic but there ought to be a few deals to morph your life into a merrier one!
Like any other fairly general person, I have my own perceptions and rules.

*I can share my heart out to u.. But I may go ballistic when you expect me to share with you my
#bed,blanket,pillow :P
#electronic gizmos(my life resides with them :D )
#outfit accessories(they are my jewels)

*It gets leery when you touch my belongings. So please avoid.

*Don't get fidgety on my bed. You have your own bed for that.

*When a pizza is delivered, I know it actually gets riveting. But that doesn't mean you jiggle around my bed. I may get queasy and spill over your food without any sincere apologies.

*I may remain disheveled, but that doesn't imply you throw your filthy clothes on my bed. Ices my blood and   I sleep there with my sweet dreams, grow up please!

*When you partake of some dish from my platter, I expect you not to dust off your hands anywhere near my plate. It's hideous!

*never pry into my cell or lappy. That's a sin.

*My mind is not a window through which you can peep into my thoughts.Let it drain.You might be instrumental in this outrageous flow.Still,just don't try fiddling in.
Remember you are no Philip Low who devised a mind reader machine for Sir Stephen Hawkings.
If you still are sure about reading my thoughts, You are a fool per se. :P 

*no slangs. It's gibberish :P

*When I say a NO, it's an ardent dissent. No amount of your  pleadings can even involuntarily impress me. 

*There should be no stealthy gossips. We are a room.

*Give me my space.

*Don't shoot me with questions flooding in your mind when am in no mood to answer. I just need some time alone :| 

*I love solemn realm. Don't meddle. Else it would result in spasms of fury.

*I like studies and ambitions but i hate geeks.

*I am reckless when I am working. Anyone could be. You don't need to mind it. 

*What you think about me is drab. Hokum. Apologies, I have no time for you then.

Might sound like words of a narcissist. But these are mere things that gnaw me.  Devoured by such situations, I simply lose myself, rippled with stark ire. So please cooperate!

Accompany and make a happy room! :)
You agree, I promise to never ever let you complain. You don't respect this agreement,go get some life. I am gonna stay adamant on these points.
Everyone has an equal right to share their views and turn down the problematic issues.
Don't misjudge me. I love camaraderie and clicking new people is my next hobby after blogging :) 
But stay aware, I may firepower back anytime if your actions demean my rules.
Share your points and stay glee before u turn into a monster void of human emotions ! :P